MeG offers psychosocial care and integrated psychotherapy as part of the integration aid of SGB IX.
“MeG-assisted living” emerged in 2012 from a cooperation between Catania gGmbH and PROWO e. V. We offer assisted living according to § 131 SGB IX and analogous services.
Social workers, licensed psychotherapists, art therapists, music therapists and linguistic mediators work at the MeG sites.
Here are our locations:
- Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin, Gesundheits- und Sozialzentrum Moabit (GSZM), Haus K, Eingang C, 1. OG
- Grimmstraße 16, 10967 Berlin, Im Haus der Parität
- Hobrechtstraße 55, 12047 Berlin (Business Office).
The team is interculturally trained, has profound knowledge of questions regarding residence law and provides assistance for integration into the German system. Regular training and supervision ensure the quality of our work.
We work closely in the Neztwerk Sozialträger network with other Berlin agencies.